There is this awesome essay titled “The Wildness of Girls” that talks about how unique and interesting little girls are. Totally wrapped up in their imagination, exploring fearlessly, unashamedly proud of the magic that they are! The author goes on to talk about how it is an odd mix of anger and joy and that as puberty hits, we lose that wildness and start to turn our anger inward and outward. We start to try to fit into the molds set before us and we become part of the real world. On the flipside, some women have compared menopause to a return to that wildness of girlhood and this was such a cool perspective to me! I realized we have this awesome opportunity to not be held back by fertility, reproduction, and social expectations that we may have felt during our younger years. We can choose to tap back into who we are - because to be honest, the public eye isn’t on us quite as much as it was before, we have a lifetime of deep experiences behind us, we have a wisdom and a feeling of establishment that we didn’t maybe feel when we were younger, and we have more of a “don’t give a flip” attitude, that can actually allow us to contribute to the world and our communities in meaningful ways.

Can you relate to any of these:

  • You feel like a chubby middle-aged woman took over your body.

  • You aren’t sleeping as well as you used to.

  • You are feeling moments of anxiety, dread, worry, and a little depressed and you aren’t sure why.

  • Your libido might be lowering, and sex isn’t as comfortable as it was before.

  • You are gaining weight, especially around the midsection, despite not changing how you eat or move your body.

  • You feel puffy and inflamed, and it has nothing to do with the weight on the scale.

  • You are feeling unsettled and can’t figure out why joy seems to be a bit fleeting?

  • Was that a hot flash?! What the heck is a cold flash?!?

  • Why is my heart fluttering and I feel out of breath taking the groceries in?

  • Why on Earth did I just walk into this room??

  • You are grieving a loss of youth that you can see and feel and feel alone in this.

  • You’ve been to the Dr for some wonky symptoms but told your labs look normal and welcome to your 40’s.

  • You are wanting answers, support, and community - but don’t really hear other women talking about this stuff.

  • You feel too young to feel like this, but too old to relate to the health influencers on Instagram and TikTok.

Helping women over 40 find health through the noise.

Your body isn’t betraying you, your lack of knowledge is.

Are you a woman in your 40’s or beyond searching for better answers for the changes you are noticing in your body? Are you DIYing or patching together your own protocol to support your health and trying to hang on to how you felt 10 years ago? I’m right there with you! Even after nutrition school and all the education I’ve done on holistic and functional health and wellness, I still wasn’t sure exactly what was happening to my body, or that despite how I felt on certain days, I was not in fact dying or mentally unwell.

If you are also feeling not too stoked about the changes you’re noticing, then WELCOME, FRIEND!! I am so glad you are here and excited to help you on this journey to reconnecting to your body.

My goal is to empower you to learn how your body works, to help provide the education and resources you need to be confident entering into this next phase, and to support your overall health (including those symptoms you’ve been normalizing or ignoring). When we feel good, we are able to fully enjoy life without being held back by a health challenge, our changing body, or fear of what comes next. I want you to feel good during perimenopause and to give yourself permission to return to that wildness of girlhood.

Personalized Nutrition

Nutrition recommendations based on YOU. I will help you navigate your unique needs based on your health history and help you choose nutrient dense foods that support your health during perimenopause.

This isn’t about deprivation, it’s about nutrient density and fueling our bodies in the best way for us.

Lifestyle Strategies

Learn how stress, sleep, movement, and other lifestyle factors can impact your health and how you feel during perimenopause.

These lifestyle factors are often overlooked or downplayed, but they play a big role in how we feel. This is a crucial part of your health. Taking the time to care for ourselves is key.

One-on-One Support

The missing piece in most programs is the human part. I am by your side every step of the way!

All clients have access to me through my client portal or Voxer. We will meet virtually once a month. I am here to walk you through it all. You won’t have to navigate this alone.

  • One Month Nutrition Consultation $375

    This is our first month working together and where we really dive into your health history and goals.

    • In-Depth Intake Form

    • Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire with Symptom Burden Graph.

    • A 5-Day Food and Mood Journal

    • Option to add bloodwork or HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis).

    • One 60-minute review and recommendations visit, and one 30-minute follow-up in that month.

    • You can ask questions through your client portal or Voxer if any support needs or questions pop up in between our sessions.

    This is best for the woman who just needs a general check-in and some recommendations on how to improve her overall health.

  • Four Month 1:1 + Functional Testing $1999

    It takes time to bring the body into balance and to support your overall health. This option is for the woman needing a deeper level of support.

    • Everything included in the Nutrition Consultation.

    • Functional blood labs plus a GI MAP stool test to dive deeper.

    • Month 2 session with a mindset coach to connect to your why and to help support the emotional challenges to reaching a health goal.

    • Monthly follow-up sessions to check in on progress, dive into more education, and to make adjustments to your plan.

    • You get an advocate and friend to walk you through each step of the process, so you don’t have to question or guess if you are doing the right things.

  • Tons of Handouts + Resources

    Sometimes we learn better through PDF’s and cute handouts, and I’ve got tons of them.

    • Resources for educating and empowering yourself.

    • I am constantly upgrading and updating to keep you current.

    • Topics include:

      • How To Read Food Labels

      • Why Whole Foods

      • Menopause 101

      • Menstrual Cycle Health

      • Detox 101

      • Education on each foundation of health

      • What a healthy cycle looks like

      • Foods that Support Detoxification

      • Access to upcoming course all about Perimenopause

      • Upcoming Membership opportunity to stay connected with education, support, and labs ongoing.

      • And more….

Renee is wonderful to work with! She helped me complete a hair tissue mineral analysis and get me the correct vitamins my body was lacking. After just a few weeks I noticed a big change in how my body was feeling. I highly recommend her if you are having any type of hormone imbalances.

Tara C.

My experience working with Renee has been amazing. Renee has been very compassionate and understanding when it comes to the ups and downs of getting healthy. I have never felt judged or uncomfortable talking with her about my health or my weight. She takes the time to explain everything and makes sure that I am comfortable with my nutrition and supplements. Renee has so much knowledge on a person’s multiple nutritional needs. I have and will continue to trust her with my health.

Danah W.

Are you an NTP, FDN-P, or other health practitioner? I offer consults on your clients functional tests or business support consults to help get you started. Click the link below to schedule. If you want to learn how to use the DUTCH test in your practice, click the link for The Simply DUTCH Guide, a 90+ page guide to interpreting the DUTCH and supplements to support your client’s root causes.